Quotes / Advice

Here are some quotes and advice that I have lived by. They have helped me and maybe they can help you too!

  • Consistency, Momentum, Organization, Communication, Sustainability
  • Don’t ever ask any of your employees to do anything that you would not do yourself
  • Being successful is a choice that you wake up one day and decide. It doesn’t happen by accident
  • Success will not just reach out and find you, you have to go out and find it!
  • You cannot change your past, but you can control your future. The time is now!
  • The present is what leads you to the fruitfulness of a successful future. Don’t procrastinate, decide to be successful NOW
  • Anything that comes easy will leave fast. Easy come, easy go
  • Find the employees that have the attitude of “Let me help you with that” vs the employee that has the attitude of “that’s not my job”
  • Certain toxic employees work harder at not doing their job than actually just getting their job done!
  • Don’t take no for an answer and never submit to failure
  • It’s not about what you know but who you know. Gain as many relationships as you can in business and take advantage of every possible networking opportunity that you can
  • Know where you came from to know where you would like to go
  • Remember what has happened through growth, to estimate and envision what will happen
  • History repeats itself, try to break the mold
  • A key to success is to know one’s limits, do not over extend yourself so that you are able to put 100% into everything that you do. Learning how to Prioritize is key
  • It’s not about if someone is successful, it is how that success is acquired. If acquired in a rough and aggravating form, that type of success may not be worth it!
  • Either you got it, or you don’t!
  • Make sure that the managers that you hire actually have the companies best interest at stake. Just because they work for you and smile every morning, doesn’t mean that they want the best for you and your company. A lot of times, toxic managers will avoid hiring good employees to give themselves job security
  • Success is a constant hunger that can not be fed
  • The more successful you become the more haters you will have. If you become successful enough to have half of the country hate you. Well, then you can become PRESIDENT

I have learned to surround myself with the highest quality, most loyal people that I can find in life and by doing so, nothing can hold you back. Life is all about proximity. I have realized that I am very lucky, thankful and blessed to have the people around me who I consult with and interact with on a daily basis. When I was 17 years old, I got into business with the whole purpose of trying to make as much money as possible and to acquire as many materialistic things as I can. Fast forward 18 years and now that I’m a little older and wiser, my goals have really changed. The reason I go to work now is for a much different purpose. My top priority now is to have my companies lead the industry with the best prices, trust, reliability and integrity, while providing the best customer service possible. I now realize that my employees are my greatest asset and not my biggest expense. That mentality has helped me get to the next level. My total focus now is to not make the most profits, but to create a sustainable work environment for my team so that they feel secure, satisfied and are given all the best tools available to succeed. 

I have also lost more money and time learning things from a trial and error basis in the precious metal recycling business than most precious metal recyclers will ever earn in a lifetime. Contact Kenneth Christensen for consulting and take the short cut to success today!

Why are successful people actually successful?

The only reason why successful people are successful is because they get done at least 5x more in a 24-hour period then a non-successful person gets done. If you want something done, give it to the busiest person that you know. Most unsuccessful mindsets are, “I’ll do that tomorrow.” While a successful persons mindset is, “I’ll do that now.” The biggest reason why most people are unsuccessful is because they are lazy. You must get up in the morning and get done as many things as you can do in a day while concentrating on each individual task at a time. And when other tasks present themselves, don’t stop what you are doing. Take notes of what needs to be done next. Once you bring yourself to a point where you can’t handle anything else on your own, to become more successful then you already are, that will be the time to hire employees to help you manage all of your ideas and apply all of your ideas into that work place. Remember though, If you don’t make their chores automated, everything you put in place will vanish. You need to implement “order taking” automation for the employees.